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Adding new panels

We can create custom panels to display anything that we like on our dashboard.

In this example we will create a panel that displays recently edited properties.

Creating a new panel

Say we have a custom DataObject named Property that is controlled through a custom ModelAdmin called PropertiesAdmin. We would like to add a panel that lists recently edited properties.

First we create a dashboard-custom folder in our root directory to house our custom dashboard code. To enable the dashboard-custom directory to be picked up by Silverstripe we must create a _config directory inside dashboard-custom.

Next we create a new PHP file RecentlyEditedPropertiesPanel.php in dashboard-custom/src/Panels/. In our dashboard-custom/src/Panels/RecentlyEditedPropertiesPanel.php file we create a RecentlyEditedPropertiesPanel class, which extends DashboardPanel:


use Plastyk\Dashboard\Model\DashboardPanel;
use SilverStripe\Security\Permission;

class RecentlyEditedPropertiesPanel extends DashboardPanel
    public function canView($member = null)
        if (!Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS_PropertiesAdmin') || !class_exists(Property::class)) {
            return false;

        return parent::canView($member);

    public function getData()
        $data = parent::getData();

        $data['Results'] = $this->getResults();

        return $data;

    public function getResults()
        return Property::get()->filter(['LastEdited:GreaterThan' => date('c', strtotime('-6 months'))])->sort('LastEdited DESC')->limit(8);

In our RecentlyEditedPropertiesPanel class we have a canView, a getData and a Results function.

Next we create a template for our custom panel. In dashboard-custom/templates/ we create a template with the following code:

<div class="dashboard-panel">
    <h3><a href="{$AdminURL}/properties/">Recently edited properties</a></h3>
    <% if $Results %>
    <table class="table">
            <% loop $Results %>
                <td class="link">
                    <a href="{$AdminURL}/properties/Property/EditForm/field/Property/item/{$ID}/edit">
                        <span class="note">$Address</span>
                <td class="link date">
                    <a href="{$AdminURL}/properties/Property/EditForm/field/Property/item/{$ID}/edit">$LastEdited.Nice</a>
            <% end_loop %>
    <% else %>
    <p>No properties edited in the last six months.</p>
    <% end_if %>

Next we create a custom template to add our new panel to the dashboard. Copy the original to dashboard-custom/templates/ and add $showPanel(RecentlyEditedPropertiesPanel) to where we want the new panel to display:


<div class="container-fluid">
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-12">


	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-12">

	<% if $canViewPanel(RecentlyEditedPropertiesPanel) || $canViewPanel(Plastyk\Dashboard\Panels\RecentlyEditedPagesPanel) || $canViewPanel(Plastyk\Dashboard\Panels\UsefulLinksPanel) %>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-xl-4">
		<div class="col-xl-4">
		<div class="col-xl-4">
	<% end_if %>

	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-12">

We then call ?flush=all in the browser URL to have the new templates and class picked up by Silverstripe.

We can now see we have a recently edited properties panel on our dashboard:

Dashboard module custom properties panel screenshot