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Changing the main dashboard template

We can customise the dashboard to display anything that we like.

In this example we will change the main dashboard template to display only a few panels.

Customising the main dashboard template

Say we would like to remove some of the default panels, change the order of panels and change some panel widths.

First we create a dashboard-custom folder in our root directory to house our custom dashboard code. To enable the dashboard-custom directory to be picked up by Silverstripe we must create a _config directory inside dashboard-custom.

We create a custom template to modify the dashboard. Copy the original to dashboard-custom/templates/ and edit the template as desired:


<div class="container-fluid">
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-12">


	<% if $canViewPanel(Plastyk\Dashboard\Panels\RecentlyEditedPagesPanel) || $canViewPanel(Plastyk\Dashboard\Panels\RecentlyCreatedPagesPanel) %>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-6">
		<div class="col-6">
	<% end_if %>

We can modify this template to add new panels, remove existing panels, change the order of panels and change the widths of the panels displayed.